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[ Page Introduction
- Fauna of
Monmouth County,
New Jersey
[View complete background tile:
Turtle (Clemys insculpta),
June, 2001, Borough of Roosevelt.]
The original of this list was extracted from
checklists in the Roosevelt Field Guide
(published by the Borough of Roosevelt
Environmental Commission and available for
purchase in the Borough Hall).
Introduced species are marked with an asterisk
Species that are native to the eastern United
States, but were probably introduced locally are
marked with an "at sign" (@).
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[Freshwater animals not otherwise listed]
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Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester |
[Freshwater Jellyfish] |
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M1
Blarina brevicauda |
[Short Tailed Shrew] |
Condylura cristata |
[Starnose Mole] |
Didelphis marsupialis |
[Opossum] |
Eptesicus fuscus |
[Big Brown Bat] |
Glaucomys volans |
[Southern Flying Squirrel] |
Lasiurus borealis |
[Red Bat] |
Marmota monax |
[Woodchuck, Groundhog] |
Mephitis mephitis |
[Striped Skunk] |
Microtus pennsylvanicus |
[Meadow Vole] |
Mus musculus |
[House Mouse] |
Mustela frenata |
[Longtail Weasel] |
Mustela vison |
[Mink] |
Myotis lucifugus |
[Little Brown Myotis] |
Odocoileus virginianus |
[Whitetail Deer] |
Ondatra zibethica |
[Muskrat] |
Peromyscus leucopus |
[White Footed Mouse] |
Pipistrellus subflavus |
[Eastern Pipistrelle Bat] |
Procyon lotor |
[Raccoon] |
Rattus norvegicus |
[Norway Rat] |
Scalopus aquaticus |
[Eastern Mole] |
Sciurus carolinensis [figure M1] |
[Eastern Gray Squirrel] |
Sylvilagus floridanus |
[Eastern Cottontail] |
Tamias striatus |
[Eastern Chipmunk] |
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus |
[Red Squirrel] |
Urocyon cinereoargenteus |
[Gray Fox] |
Vulpes fulva |
[Red Fox] |
Zapus hudsonius |
[Meadow Jumping Mouse] |
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Accipiter cooperi (Fig. B1, immature) |
[Cooper's Hawk] |
Accipiter striatus |
[Sharp Shinned Hawk] |
Actitus macularia |
[Spotted Sandpiper] |
Agelaius phoeniceus |
[Red Winged Blackbird] |
Aix sponsa |
[Wood Duck] |
Anas platyrhyncos |
[Mallard] |
Archilochus colubris |
[Ruby Throated Hummingbird] |
Bombycilla cedrorum |
[Cedar Waxwing] |
Branta canadensis |
[Canada Goose] |
Bubo virginianus |
[Great Horned Owl] |
Buteo jamaicensis |
[Red Tailed Hawk] |
Butoroides striatus |
[Green Heron] |
Cantopus virens |
[Eastern Peewee] |
Carduelis flammea * |
[House Finch] |
Carduelis tristis |
[American Goldfinch] |
Cardinalis cardinalis |
[Northern Cardinal] |
Cathartes aura |
[Turkey Vulture] |
Catharus fuscescens |
[Veery] |
Certhia familiaris |
[Brown Creeper] |
Chaetura pelagica |
[Chimney Swift] |
Charadrius vociferus |
[Killdeer] |
Circus cyaneus |
[Northern Harrier] |
Coccyzus americanus |
[Yellow Billed Cuckoo] |
Colaptes auratus |
[Common or Yellow Shafted Flicker] |
Colinus virginianus |
[Common Bobwhite] |
Coragyps atratus |
[Black Vulture] |
Corvus brachyrhyncos |
[American Crow] |
Cyanocitta cristata |
[Blue Jay] |
Cygnus columbianus |
[Whistling Swan] |
Dendroica caerulescens |
[Black-throated Blue Warbler] |
Dendroica coronata |
[Yellow Rumped Warbler] |
Dendroica magnolia |
[Magnolia Warbler] |
Dendroica palmarum |
[Palm Warbler] |
Dendroica petechia |
[Yellow Warbler] |
Dendroica tigrina |
[Cape May Warbler] |
Dryocopus pileatus |
[Pileated Woodpecker] |
Dumetella carolinensis |
[Gray Catbird] |
Euphagus carolinus |
[Rusty Blackbird] |
Euphagus cyanocephalus |
[Brewer's Blackbird] |
Falco columbarius |
[Merlin] |
Falco peregrinus |
[Peregrine Falcon] |
Falco sparverius |
[American Kestrel] |
Geothlypis trichas |
[Common Yellowthroat] |
Guiraca caerulea |
[Blue Grosbeak] |
Hesperiphona vespertina |
[Evening Grosbeak] |
Hirundo rustica |
[Barn Swallow] |
Hylocichla mustelina |
[Wood Thrush] |
Icterus galbula |
Baltimore or Northern Oriole |
Icterus spurius |
Orchard Oriole |
Iridoprocne bicolor |
[Tree Swallow] |
Junco hiemalis |
[Northern Junco] |
Larus argentatus |
[Herring Gull] |
Larus atricilla |
[Laughing Gull] |
Megaceryle alcyon |
[Belted Kingfisher] |
Meleagris gallopavo @ |
[Wild Turkey] |
Melanerpes carolinus |
[Red Bellied Woodpecker |
Melospiza melodia |
[Song Sparrow] |
Mimus polyglottos |
[Northern Mockingbird] |
Mniotilta varia
24.iv.2011 |
[Black and White Warbler] |
Molothrus ater |
[Brown Headed Cowbird] |
Otus asio |
[Common Screech Owl] |
Parula americana |
[Northern Parula] |
Parus atricapillus |
[Black Capped Chickadee] |
Parus bicolor |
[Tufted Titmouse] |
Parus carolinensis |
[Carolina Chickadee] |
Passer domesticus * |
[House Sparrow] |
Passerina cyanea |
[Indigo Bunting] |
Phalacrocorax auritus |
[Double-Crested Cormorant] |
Phasianus colchicus |
[Ring Necked Pheasant] |
Pheucticus ludovicianus |
[Rose Breasted Grosbeak] |
Philohela minor |
[American Woodcock] |
Picoides pubescens |
[Downy Woodpecker] |
Picoides villosus |
[Hairy Woodpecker] |
Pipilo erythropthalmus |
[Rufus Sided Towhee] |
Piranga olivacea |
[Scarlet Tanager] |
Progne subis |
[Purple Martin] |
Quiscalus quiscula |
[Common Grackle] |
Regulus calendula |
[Ruby Crowned Kinglet] |
Regulus satrapa |
[Golden Crowned Kinglet] |
Sayornis phoebe |
[Eastern Phoebe] |
Seiurus aurocapillus |
[Ovenbird] |
Setophaga ruticilla |
[American Redstart] |
Sitta canadensis
7.xii.2007 |
[Red-Breasted Nuthatch] |
Sitta carolinensis |
[White- Breasted Nuthatch] |
Sphyrapicus varius |
[Yellow Bellied Sapsucker] |
Spizella arborea |
[American Tree Sparrow] |
Spizella passerina |
[Chipping Sparrow] |
Strix varia |
[Barred Owl] |
Sturnus vulgaris * |
[European Starling] |
Thryothorus ludovicianus |
[Carolina Wren] |
Toxostoma rufum |
[Brown Thrasher] |
Troglodytes aedon |
[House Wren] |
Troglodytes troglodytes |
[Winter Wren] |
Turdus migratorius |
[American Robin] |
Tyrannus tyrannus |
[Eastern Kingbird] |
Vireo solitarius |
[Solitary Vireo] |
Zenaida macroura |
[Mourning Dove] |
Zonotrichia albicollis |
[White Throated Sparrow] |
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[Diverse Groups]

Amblycorypha oblongifolia - Fig. DI-3 |
Oblong-winged Katydid
clavipes (Fabricius) |
[Phantom Crane Fly]
Corydalis cornutus (Linnaeus) |
[Dobsonfly, larvae & adults] |
Cosmopepla lintneriana (Kirkaldy) |
[Twice-Stabbed Stink Bug] |
femorata (Say) |
[Northern or Common Walkingstick] |
Dissosteira carolina (Linnaeus) |
Grasshopper] |
Euchistus sp. |
[Brown Stink Bug] |
Gryllus pennsylvanicus Burm. |
[Field Cricket] |
Hexagonia sp. - Fig. DI-1 |
[Golden Mayfly] |
Lygaeus sp. |
[Milkweed Bug] |
Magicicada sp. |
[Periodical Cicada] |
Mantis religiosa Linnaeus* |
[Praying Mantis] |
Microcentrum sp. |
[Angular-Winged Katydid] |
Musca domestica Lnnaeus* |
[House Fly] |
cornuparvum (Thro) - Fig. DI-2 |
Image shows association of plant, scale insect,
a black mildew on honeydew exuded by scale,
& a wasp eating honeydew. |
Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) |
[Large Milkweed Bug] |
Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer |
[Human Head Louse] |
camellifolia (Fabricius) |
[True Katydid] |
Tibicen sp. |
[Annual Cicada] |
Tipula sp. |
[Crane Fly] |
species of Chironomidae |
[Midges, larvae & adults] |
species of Forficulidae |
[Common Earwig] |
species of Gerridae |
[Water Strider] |
species of Trichoptera |
[Caddisfly, as larvae] |
species of Myrmeleontidae |
[Ant Lion] |
species of Pentatomidae |
[Stink Bug] |
species of Perlidae |
[Stonefly, as larvae] |
species of Phymatidae |
[Ambush Bug] |
species of Tabanidae |
[Horse and Deer Flies] |
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oculatus (Linnaeus) |
[Eyed Elator, Click Beetle] |
auratus (Fabricius) |
Beetle] |
Dineutes cf. americanus Linnaeus |
[Whirligig Beetle] |
Elaphidion sp. |
[Cerambycinid Long-horned Beetle] |
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)* |
[Colorado Potato Beetle] |
Orthosoma brunneum (Forst.) |
[Long-horned Woodboring Beetle] |
Photurus pennsylvanicus (DeG.) |
[Firefly, Lightning Bug] |
Phyllophaga sp. |
[May Beetle, June Beetle, "June
Bug"] |
Popillia japonica Newman* |
[Japanese Beetle] |
species of Coccinellidae |
[Ladybird Beetles, "Ladybugs"] |
[Butterflies and Moths]
Go to Tables of Butterflies and Their Major Food Plants
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[Dragonflies and Damselflies]
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[Wasps, Bees, and Ants]
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Ammophila species |
[Thread-waisted Wasp] |
Apis mellifera (Linnaeus) |
[Honey Bee] |
Cerceris sp. |
[Weevil Wasp |
Dolichovespula maculata (Linnaeus) |
[Bald-faced or White-faced Hornet] |
Myxonis sp. |
[Tiphiid Wasp] |
Polistes bellicosus Cresson |
[Paper Wasp] |
Polistes ?fuscatus (Fabricius) |
[Common Paper Wasp] |
Sphecius speciosus (Drury) |
[Cicada Killer] |
Sphex ichneumoneus (Linnaeus) |
[Great Golden Digger Wasp] |
Sphex pensylvanicus Linnaeus |
[Great Black Wasp/Katydid Hunter] |
Trypoxylon politum Say |
[Organ Pipe Muddauber] |
Xylocopa sp. |
[Large Carpenter Bee] |
species of Cynipidae |
[Gall Wasps] |
species of Formicinae (Formicidae) |
[Carpenter Ants] |
species of Vespinae (Vespidae) |
[Yellow-Jacket] |
and Harvestmen]
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Dermacentor variabilis _ |
[Dog Tick] |
Ixodes scapularis (Say) |
[Deer Tick] |
[Land Isopods (Crustacea)]
[Wood Lice and Sow Bugs]
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Cylisticus convexus (de Geer) |
[Sow Bug] |
Porcellio scaber Latreille |
[Sow Bug] |
species of Porcellionidae |
[Sow Bug] |
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Last updated 16 May 2012.
Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 by Fund for Roosevelt, Inc.
Maintained for Borough of Roosevelt Environmental Commission by
R. E. Tulloss.