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These tables include
the species that have been recorded from Monmouth County
according to Jeffrey Glassberg's Butterflies Through
Binoculars (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1993) and Butterflies
of New Jersey by Michael Gochfeld and Joanna Burger
(Rutgers Univ. Press, New Brunswick, 1997) supplemented
by local observations and data on the USGS, Dallas County Lepitopterist's
Society, and
other websites. The tables may be used as simple
checklists or as a means of selecting plants to encourage
an increase in diversity of butterflies in Roosevelt. A major food plant (sometimes there are more than one) is a plant that a female butterfly seeks out on which to lay her eggs. Caterpillars hatching from these eggs will use the plant as food. The plant may confer some advantage to the caterpillars. For example, the plant may contain a poison that the caterpillars can store, making them (and the adult they will become) very unpleasant to possible predators. The first table includes those species found in town or for which at least one major food plant is recorded from the Borough of Roosevelt. The second table includes those species not found in town and for which no major food plant has been recorded from town. The two columns headed by a "?" include a "Y" if the butterfly or plant has been recently recorded in Roosevelt, an "-" if the plant has not recently been recorded in Roosevelt, and an "x" if the butterfly species named on that line apparently lacks the major food plant listed on the line. Since very few butterflies are marked as recently recorded, it should be a lot of fun expanding the list in future years. : Before introducing a major food plant, check to see if it is a native plant in our area or, if it is not, that it is a cultivated plant that is known not to spread from cultivation. Table 1. Butterflies known from Roosevelt or for which at least one major food plant is known to occur in Roosevelt. |
Butterfly | Major Food Plant | ||||
Common Name | Scientific Name | ? | Common Name | Scientific Name | ? |
Acadian Hairstreak | Satyrium acadica | Willows | Salix spp. | Y | |
American Copper | Lycaena phlaeas | Y | Docks includ. Sheep Sorrel | Rumex spp. (includ. R. acetosella) |
Y |
American Lady | Vanessa virginiensis | Y |
Composites | Compositae | Y |
American Snout | Libytheana carinenta | Hackberry | Celtis spp. | Y | |
Aphrodite Fritillary | Speyeria aphrodite | Violets | Viola spp. | Y | |
Appalachian Brown | Satyrodes appalachia | Sedges | Carex spp. | Y | |
Arogos Skipper | Atrytone arogos | Bluestem Grasses | Andropogon spp. | Y | |
Baltimore | Euphydryas phaeton | Plantain, English | Plantago lanceolata | Y | |
Turtlehead | Chelone glabra | - | |||
Banded Hairstreak | Satyrium calanus | Hickories | Carya spp. | Y | |
Oaks | Quercus spp. | Y | |||
Black Dash | Euphys conspicua | Sedges | Carex spp. | Y | |
Black Swallowtail | Papilio polyxenes | Y | Carrot, Parsley etc. | spp. of Apiaceae | Y |
Broad-winged Skipper | Poanes viator | Grasses | Phragmites communis | Y | |
Bronze Copper | Lycaena hyllus | Docks includ. Sheep Sorrel | Rumex spp. (includ. R. acetosella) |
Y | |
Brown Elfin | Callophrys augustinus | Blueberry | Vaccinium sp. | Y | |
Cabbage White | Pieris rapae | Y | Crucifers (Peppergrass) | Lepidium virginicum | Y |
Checkered White | Pontia protodice | Crucifers (esp. Peppergrass) | Lepidium spp. (esp. L. virginicum) |
Y | |
Clouded Sulphur | Colias philodice | White Clover | Trifolium repens | Y | |
Cobweb Skipper | Hesperia metea | Y | Bluestem Grasses | Andropogon spp. | Y |
Columbine Duskywing | Erynnis lucilius | Columbine | Aquilegia spp. | Y | |
Common Buckeye | Junonia coenia | Y |
Composites: Agalinis | Agalinis spp. | Y |
Plantain | Plantago spp. | Y | |||
Toadflax | Linaria spp. | Y | |||
Common Checkered Skipper | Pyrgus communis | Y | Mallows | spp. of Malvaceae | Y |
Ringlet | Coenonympha tullia | Plantain, English | Plantago lanceolata | Y | |
Common Sootywing | Pholisora catullus | Y | Lamb's Quarters | Chenopodium album | Y |
Common Wood Nymph | Cercyonis pegala | Plantain, English | Plantago lanceolata | Y | |
Coral Hairstreak | Satyrium titus | Wild Cherries | Prunus spp. | Y | |
Crossline Skipper | Polites origenes | Grasses: Purpletop | Tridens flavus | Y | |
Delaware Skipper | Atrytone logan | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y | |
Dion Skipper | Euphyes dion | Sedges | Carex spp. | Y | |
Dreamy Duskywing | Erynnis icelus | Y | Willows | Salix spp. | Y |
Poplars and Aspens | Populus spp. | Y | |||
Birches | Betula spp. | Y | |||
Black Locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | Y | |||
Dun Skipper | Euphyes vestris | Sedges | Carex spp. | Y | |
Eastern Comma | Polygonia comma | Elms | spp. of Ulmaceae | Y | |
Nettles | Urtica spp. | - | |||
Eastern Pine Elfin | Callophrys niphon | Pitch Pine | Pinus rigida | Y | |
White Pine | Pinus strobus | Y | |||
Eastern Tailed Blue | Everes comyntas | Y | clover, vetch, other legumes | spp. of Fabaceae | Y |
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail | Papilio glaucus | Y | Spicebush | Lindera benzoin | Y |
Wild Cherries | Prunus spp. | Y | |||
Yellow (Tulip) Poplar | Liriodendron tulipifera | Y | |||
European Skipper | Thymelicus lineola | Grasses: Timothy | Phleum pratense | Y | |
Eyed Brown | Satyrodes eurydice | Sedges | Carex spp. | Y | |
Fiery Skipper | Hylephilus phyleus | Grasses: Bermuda Grass | ? | Y | |
Great Spangled Fritillary | Speyeria cybele | Y | Violets | Viola spp. | Y |
Hackberry Emperor | Asterocampa celtis | Hackberry | Celtis spp. | Y | |
Harvester | Feniseca tarquinius | Alder or Birch, Wooly Aphids on | Alnus spp., Betula spp. | Y | |
Hayhurst's Scallopwing | Staphylus hayhurstii | Lamb's Quarters | Chenopodium album | Y | |
Hickory Hairstreak | Satyrium cartaevorum | Hickories | Carya spp. | Y | |
Hoary Edge | Achalarus lyciades | Tick Trefoils | Desmodium spp. | Y | |
Hobomok Skipper | Poanes hobomok | Y | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y |
Indian Skipper | Hesperea sassacus | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y | |
Juvenal's Duskywing | Erynnis juvenalis | Y | Oaks | Quercus spp. | Y |
Least Skipper | Ancyloxypha numitor | Y | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y |
Leonard's Skipper | Hesperia leonardus | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y | |
Little Glassy Wing | Pompeius verna | Grasses: Purpletop | Tridens flavus | Y | |
Little Wood Satyr | Megisto cymela | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y | |
Long Dash | Polites mystic | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y | |
Long-tailed Skipper | Urbanus proteus | Legumes | spp. of Fabaceae | Y | |
Meadow Fritillary | Boloria bellona | Violets | Viola spp. | Y | |
Monarch | Danaus plexippus | Y | Milkweed | Asclepias spp. | Y |
Mourning Cloak | Nymphalis antiopa | Y | Birch | Betula spp. | Y |
Williows | Salix spp. | Y | |||
Mulberry Wing | Poanes massasoit | Sedges | Carex spp. | Y | |
Northern Azure | Celastrina sp. | Y | Blueberries | Vaccinium spp. | Y |
Wild Cherries | Prunus spp. | Y | |||
Northern Broken Dash | Wallengrenia egeremet | Grasses | Panicum spp. | Y | |
Northern Cloudywing | Thorybes pyllades | Legumes | spp. of Fabaceae | Y | |
Northern Crescent | Phyciodes selenis | Composites: Asters | Aster spp. | Y | |
Northern Pearly Eye | Enolia anthedon | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y | |
Olive Hairstreak | Callophrys gryneus | Red Cedar | Juniperus virginiana | Y | |
Orange Sulphur | Colias eurytheme | Y | Legumes: Alfalfa et al. | Medicago
sativa & other spp. of Fabaceae |
Y |
Painted Lady | Vanessa cardui | Y | Thistles | Cirsium spp. | Y |
Hollyhocks | Althaea rosea | Y | |||
Mallows | Malva spp. | - | |||
Pearl Crescent | Phyciodes tharos | Y | Composites: Asters | Aster spp. | Y |
Peck's Skipper | Polites peckius | Y | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y |
Questionmark | Polygonia interrogationis | Y | Elms | Ulmus spp. | Y |
Hackberry | Celtis spp. | Y | |||
Nettles | Urtica spp. | - | |||
False Nettle | Boehmeria cylindrica | Y | |||
Red Admiral | Vanessa atalanta | Y | Nettles | Urtica spp. | - |
False Nettle | Boehmeria cylindrica | Y | |||
Hops | Humulus lupulus | - | |||
Pellitory | Parietarria pennsylvanica | - | |||
Red-banded Hairstreak | Calycopis cecrops | Shining Sumac | Rhus copallina | Y | |
Red-spotted Purple | Limenitis arthemis astyanax | Wild Cherries | Prunus spp.
(includ. P. serotina) |
Y | |
Regal Fritillary | Speyeria idalia | Violets | Viola spp. | Y | |
Sachem | Atalopedes campestris | Y | Grasses: Bermuda
Grass, Crabgrass |
e.g., Digitaria sanguinalis | Y |
Silver-bordered Fritillary | Boloria selena | Violets | Viola spp. | Y | |
Silver-spotted Skipper | Epargyreus clarus | Y | Black Locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | Y |
Silvery Blue | Glaucopsyche lygdamus | Vetch | Vicia spp. | Y | |
Silvery Checkerspot | Chlosyne nycteis | Y | Sunflowers | Helianthus
spp. & other spp. of Compositae |
Y |
Southern Cloudywing | Thorybes bathyllus | Legumes | spp. of Fabaceae | Y | |
Southern Hairstreak | Satyrium favonium | Oaks | Quercus spp. | Y | |
Spicebush Swallowtail | Papilio troilus | Y | Sassafras | Sassafras albida | Y |
Spicebush | Lindera benzoin | Y | |||
Striped Hairstreak | Satyrium liparops | Blueberries | Vaccinium spp. | Y | |
Wild Cherries | Prunus spp. | Y | |||
Tawny Emperor | Asterocampa clyton | Hackberry | Celtis spp. | Y | |
Tawny-edged Skipper | Polites themistocles | Y | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y |
Two-spotted Skipper | Euphys bimacula | Sedges | Carex spp. | Y | |
Variegated Fritillary | Euptoieta claudia | Passion Flowers | Passiflora spp. | - | |
Violets | Viola spp. | Y | |||
Viceroy | Limenitis archippus | Willows (small, shrubby) | Salix spp. (small & shrubby) | Y | |
Whirlabout | Polites vibex | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y | |
White Admiral | Limenites arthemis arthemis | Aspens and Poplars | Populus spp. | Y | |
Birch | Betula spp. | Y | |||
Zabulon Skipper | Poanes zabulon | Y | Grasses | spp. of Poaceae | Y |
Table 2. Butterflies not known to occur in Roosevelt and for which all major food plants are not known to occur in Roosevelt. |
Butterfly | Major Food Plant | ||||
Common Name | Scientific Name | ? | Common Name | Scientific Name | ? |
Appalachian Azure | Celastrina neglectamajor | x | Black Cohosh | Cimicifuga racemosa | - |
Bog Copper | Lycaena epixanthe | x | Cranberries | Vaccinium macrocarpum | - |
Cloudless Sulphur | Phoebis sennae | x | Sennas | Cassia spp. | - |
Edwards' Hairstreak | Satyrium edwardsii | x | Scrub Oak and other small oaks | Quercus ilicifolia, etc. | - |
Falcate Orangetip | Anthocharis midea | x | Crucifers (Arabis) | Arabis spp. | - |
Frosted Elfin | Callophrys irus | x | Lupine | Lupinus perennis | - |
x | Wild Indigo | Baptisia spp. | - | ||
Giant Swallowtail | Papilio cresphontes | x | Hop Tree | Ptelia trifoliata | - |
x | Prickly Ash? | Xanthoxylum americanum | - | ||
Gray Comma | Polygonia progne | x | Currants | Ribes | - |
Harris Checkerspot | Chlosyne harrisii | x | Composites: Flat-topped White Aster | Aster umbellatus | - |
Henry's Elfin | Callophrys henrici | x | European Buckthorn | Rhamnus frangula | - |
Hoary Elfin | Callophrys polios | x | Bearberry | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | - |
x | Trailing Arbutus | Epigaea repens | - | ||
Karner Blue | Lycaeides melissa | x | Lupines | Lupinus spp. | - |
Little Yellow | Eurema lisa | x | Sennas | Cassia spp. | - |
Mottled Duskywing | Erynnis martialis | x | New Jersey Tea | Ceanothus americanus | - |
Northern Metalmark | Calephelis borealis | x | Round-leaved Ragwort | Senecio obovatus | - |
Persius Duskywing | Erynnis persius | x | Lupines | Lupinus spp. | - |
Pipevine Swallowtail | Battus philenor | x | Pipevine | Aristolochia
spp. (includ. A. durior, A. serpentaria) |
- |
Sleepy Duskywing | Erynnis brizo | x | Scrub Oak and other small oaks | Quercus ilicifolia, etc. | - |
Sleepy Orange | Eurema nicippe | x | Sennas | Cassia spp. | - |
Small Tortoiseshell | Nymphalis urticae | x | Nettles | Urtica spp. | - |
Swarthy Skipper | Nastra lherminier | x | Grasses: Little Bluestem | Schizachyrium (=Andropogon) scoparius | - |
West Virginia White | Pieris virginiensis | x | Toothworts | Dentaria diphylla & D. lancinata | - |
Wild Indigo Duskywing | Erynnis baptisiae | x | Wild Indigo | Baptisia spp. | - |
Last change 8 April 2003. This page is maintained for the Borough of Roosevelt Environmental Commission by R. E. Tulloss. |