NOTE: Paragraphs, tables, etc are marked if they have not been reviewed
by certain knowledgeable colleagues in the CMP project. When a
portion of this document is reviewed, the attached "not
reviewed" marker will be removed. -- RET & LP.
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of biometric variables ]
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Species of Amanitaceae
of the Chirichahua Mountains
& from other sites in Arizona & New Mexico -- a preliminary list
Rodham E. Tulloss1
and Lindsay Possiel
1P. O. Box 57, Roosevelt, New
Jersey 08555-0057,
email: 1ret@njcc.com
This data is largely derived from collections made during the
Chiricahua Mycoflora Project (CMP) organized by Drs. John Menge and
Florence Nishida and extending over the years 1989 - 1999?. All
taxa found during the CMP are marked with the project's acronym. [
not reviewed ]
Other major sources of information are various versions of an
unpublished Ms. on the genus Amanita that was drafted by the late
Dr. A. H. Smith. One or more of these copies is deposited in the
herbarium of the University of Michigan (MICH). RET also expresses
his gratitude to Dr. Nancy Weber and the late Dr. O. K. Miller, Jr. who
were sources for photocopies of pages from two version of the Ms. in
question. The entries based on the Smith Mss. are marked "A.
H. Sm."
Habitat: The taxa found during the CMP are annotated with codes (A-E) indicating the
ecotypes in the Chiricahua Mountains in which each taxon was
collected. The definitions of the codes follow: [ not
reviewed ]
A (JQP) |
Oak, juniper, pinon pine (1576-1818 m elev.) |
B (QPJ, Riparian) |
Riparian; oaks, pines, juniper, sycamore,
walnut, cottonwood, yucca (1636-1939 m) |
C (MDE) |
Mixed deciduous hardwoods & conifers; oaks,
pines, some Pinus arizonica, Pseudotsuga menziesii
(1879-2424 m) |
D (MC) |
Mixed conifers, numerous P. arizonica, P.
menziesii (2485-2758 m) |
E (PC) |
Aspen and mixed conifers (above 2600 m) |
Links to listings for sections of
Genus Amanita: Amanita
Vaginatae Lepidella
Amidella Phalloideae
Links to listings for sections of Genus Limacella: Lubricae
Genus Amanita
Subgenus Amanita
(spores inamyloid)
Section Amanita
-- Fruiting body developing in eccentric position
(above center) in primordium; hence, stipe
with a bulb at the base; lacking a
saccate volva. Although data is absent for several taxa, all
taxa in this group should be suspected of containing ibotenic acid,
muscimol, or similar compounds. All photographs for this section
taken by R. E. Tulloss.
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- muscaria
subsp. flavivolvata
Singer (CMP (B-D). Spores: [1017/51/40] (7.5-) 9.0 - 12.8 (-19.0) × (5.5-) 6.5
- 8.5 (-11.5) µm, (L = (8.9-) 9.4 - 12.1 (-14.6) µm; L’
= 10.8 µm; W = (6.6-) 6.9 - 8.2 (-8.4) µm; W’ =
7.6 µm; Q = (1.11-) 1.26 - 1.67 (-2.23); Q = (1.29-) 1.31 -
1.65 (-1.95); Q’ = 1.42). [
image 1 ]
- pantherina sensu auct. amer.
(Spores: (8.8-) 9.8 - 14.2 (-16.5) ×
(5.5-) 6.5 - 9.2 (-11.0) µm, (Q
= 1.43 - 1.59 (-1.80).)
- xylinivolva Tulloss, Ovrebo,
& Halling (CMP (C-D).
[including from isotype and paratypes]: [568/28/16] (6.2-) 8.0 -
10.2 (-12.2) × (5.2-) 7.2 - 9.5 (-10.8) µm, (L
= (8.5-) 8.6 - 9.5 (-9.8) µm; L’
= 9.1 µm; W = 7.9 - 8.8 (-9.3) µm; W’
= 8.4 µm; Q = (1.0-) 1.02 - 1.18 (-1.39); Q
= 1.05 - 1.11 (-1.15); Q’
= 1.09).) [ image
3 ]
- species AZ7
(CMP (A-E).
[60/3/3] (8.2-) 8.9 - 11.2 (-12.8) × (5.7-) 6.6 - 8.2 (-9.2) µm, (L
= 9.3 - 10.2 µm;
L’ = 9.9 µm; W
= 6.9 - 7.7 µm; W’
= 7.4 µm; Q = (1.11-) 1.18 - 1.46 (-1.60); Q
= 1.33 - 1.36; Q’
= 1.34).) [ image 4 ]
- species AZ16 (CMP (B).
[20/1/1] (9.9-) 10.1 - 12.3 (-14.3) × (6.0-)
6.6 - 7.9 (-8.2) µm, (L =
11.9 µm; L’ =
11.9 µm; W = 7.3
µm; W’ = 7.3
µm; Q = 1.43 - 1.83 (-1.96); Q
= 1.63; Q’ = 1.63).) [ image 5 ]
- species Barrows 978
(A. H. Sm. Spores: 10 - 13 × 9 - 10 µm; est. Q = 1.2).
- species Barrows 1517A
(A. H. Sm. Spores: 10.8 - 12.6 × 7 - 8.5 µm; est. Q = 1.5).
- species Barrow 19-1973 (A. H.
Sm. Spores:
10 - 12.5 × 8 - 9.5 µm; est. Q = 1.3).
Section Vaginatae
-- Universal veil
saccate and membranous or originally saccate, but friable or becoming
friable and then pulverulent to submembranous and eventually graying/
darkening entirely or on either the inner or outer surface of the
volval remnants.
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Studies home ]
barrowsii A. H. Sm. ex Tulloss nom.
prov. (A. H. Sm.
[120/6/1] (7.8-) 8.8 - 11.1 (-13.0) × (6.2-) 8.0 - 10.2 (-11.0)
µm, (L = 9.4 -
11.0 µm; L’ =
10.2 µm; W = 8.3
- 9.7 µm; W’ =
9.0 µm; Q = (1.02-) 1.05 - 1.25 (-1.47); Q
= 1.11 - 1.18; Q’
= 1.14). )
- chiricahuana Tulloss nom.
prov. (CMP (C-D). Spores: [60/3/3]
(9.5-) 10.2 - 13.2 (-14.0) × (8.5-) 9.0 - 11.8 (-13.0) µm, (L
= 11.6 - 11.8 µm;
L’ = 11.7 µm; W
= 10.3 - 10.8 µm; W’
= 10.5 µm; Q = (1.03-) 1.04 - 1.20 (-1.25); Q
= 1.09 - 1.14; Q’
= 1.11).) [ image
10 ]
- cochiseana Tulloss nom. prov.
(CMP (A, C-D).
Spores: [200/10/6] (8.2-) 9.0 - 11.9 (-13.6) × (6.0-) 6.5 - 8.1
(-9.4) µm, (L =
(9.5-) 9.7 - 10.8 µm; L’ =
10.2 µm; W = 6.9
- 7.5 (-7.8) µm; W’
= 7.3 µm; Q = (1.09-) 1.25 - 1.57 (-1.78); Q
= 1.40; Q’ =
1.40).) [ image
11 ]
- mobilimanica Tulloss nom.
prov. (CMP (A-E).
[360/18/11] (7.7-) 9.2 - 11.8 (-15.0) × (6.1-) 8.4 - 10.5 (-14.0)
µm, (L = (9.4-)
9.7 - 11.2 (-11.3) µm; L’ =
10.5 µm; W =
(8.5-) 8.9 - 9.9 (-10.0) µm; W’
= 9.4 µm; Q = (1.0-) 1.05 - 1.22 (-1.32); Q
= (1.08-) 1.09 - 1.15 (-1.18); Q’
= 1.12).) [ image
12 ]
- nishidae Tulloss nom.
prov. (CMP (A-D).
[160/8/8] (9.0-) 10.4 - 13.3 (-14.8) × (8.0-) 9.8 - 12.6 (-13.6)
µm, (L = 11.1 -
12.6 (-12.8) µm; L’ =
11.9 µm; W =
10.4 - 11.7 (-12.0) µm; W’
= 11.1 µm; Q = (1.0-) 1.03 - 1.13 (-1.23); Q
= (1.05-) 1.07 - 1.10; Q’
= 1.08).)
[ image
13 ]
- populiphila
& E. Moses (Spores: [1160/58/23] (7.0-) 9.2 - 12.5 (-21) ×
(6.0-) 8.5 - 11.5 (-15.8) µm, (L
= (10.0-) 10.1 - 11.9 (-12.3) µm; L’
= 10.9 µm; W =
(8.9-) 9.1 - 10.7 (-11.1) µm; W’
= 9.8 µm; Q = (1.0-) 1.04 - 1.20 (-1.61); Q
= (1.06-) 1.08 - 1.15 (-1.19); Q’
= 1.11).) [ image
14 ]
- vetinummus Tulloss nom. prov.
(CMP (C?, D-E).
Spores: [80/4/3] (8.2-) 8.5 - 12.5 × (6.5-) 7.2 - 10.2 (-11.5)
µm, (L = 9.7 -
11.8 µm; L’ =
10.7 µm; W = 8.4
- 9.4 µm; W’ =
8.9 µm; Q = (1.06-) 1.11 - 1.39 (-1.54); Q
= 1.16 - 1.26; Q’
= 1.20).) [ image 15 ]
- species
AZ3 (CMP (D).
[20/1/1] (9.8-) 9.9 - 12.0 (-13.6) × (8.9-) 9.1 - 10.9 (-12.2) µm,
(L = 10.8 µm;
L’ = 10.8 µm; W
= 10.0 µm; W’
= 10.0 µm; Q = (1.02-) 1.03 - 1.15 (-1.19); Q
= 1.09; Q’ =
1.09).) [ image 16 ]
- species AZ14 (CMP (A-B,
D). Spores:
[120/6/4] (8.4-) 9.4 - 12.8 (-14.7) × (6.3-) 6.6 - 9.4 (-12.2) µm,
(L = 10.9 - 11.6
µm; L’ = 11.3
µm; W = 7.9 -
8.6 µm; W’ =
8.2 µm; Q = (1.14-) 1.23 - 1.60 (-1.84); Q
= 1.32 - 1.47; Q’
= 1.39).)
- species AZ15
(CMP (B).
Spores: [81/2/2] (10.0-) 10.8 - 13.8 (-17.5) × (5.8-) 6.5 - 9.0
(-13.0) µm, (L =
11.7 - 12.6 µm; L’ =
12.1 µm; W = 7.3
- 7.9 µm; W’ =
7.6 µm; Q = (1.23-) 1.43 - 1.84 (-2.28); Q
= 1.60; Q’ =
- species AZ18
(CMP (D-E). Spores: [40/2/2] (10.5-) 10.8 - 14.0
(-16.5) × 10.0 - 12.0 (-14.2) µm, (L
= 12.0 - 12.1 µm;
L’ = 12.0 µm; W
= 11.0 - 11.1 µm; W’
= 11.0 µm; Q
= (1.03-) 1.04 - 1.15 (-1.20); Q
= 1.09; Q’
= 1.09).)
[ image 19 ]
- species Barrows 619 (A. H.
Sm. Spores:
(11.0-) 11.3 - 14.1 (-15.2) × (7.8-) 8.0 - 10.1 (-10.2) µm; Q
= 1.37).
- species Barrows 972 (A. H.
Sm. Spores: 10
- 13 × 9 - 11 µm; est. Q = 1.15).
- species Barrows 1013 (A. H.
Sm. Spores:
9.0 - 12.5 µm in diameter).
- species Barrows 1030 (A. H.
Sm. Spores:
10 - 14 × 9 - 11 µm; est. Q = 1.20).
- species Barrows 1090 (A. H.
Sm. Spores:
10 - 14 µm in diameter).
- species Barrows 1519B (A. H.
Sm. Spores:
10.5 - 13 × 8 - 9.5 (-10.0) µm; est. Q = 1.34).
- species Barrows 2081 (A. H.
Sm. Spores:
10 - 13 × 9 - 11 µm; est. Q = 1.15).
- species J.D. Shields, Jr. (A.
H. Sm. Spores:
10.0 - 12.5 (-14.5) × (8.2-) 8.5 - 11.0 (-12.5) µm; Q =
- species NM1
[60/2/1] (10.0-) 10.8 - 14.2 (-16.5) × (7.5-) 7.8 - 9.5 (-10.2)
µm, (L = 12.0 -
12.5 µm; L’ =
12.2 µm; W = 8.5
- 8.6 µm; W’ =
8.6 µm; Q = (1.22-) 1.31 - 1.61 (-1.89); Q
= 1.40 - 1.47; Q’
= 1.42).)
- species NM2
(Spores: [20/1/1] (8.0-) 8.8 - 11.0 (-12.9) × (6.8-) 7.0 - 9.0
(-11.0) µm, (L =
10.0 µm; L’ =
10.0 µm; W = 8.2
µm; W’ = 8.2
µm; Q = 1.11 - 1.39; Q
= 1.23; Q’ =
1.23).) [ image 29 ]
- species NM6
(Spores: [20/1/1] (10.1-) 10.6 - 13.2 (-14.3) × (7.2-) 7.7 - 9.9
(-) µm, (L =
11.7 µm; L’ =
11.7 µm; W = 8.6
µm; W’ = 8.6
µm; Q = (1.11-) 1.20 - 1.55 (-1.83); Q
= 1.37; Q’ =
- species NM7
(Spores: [20/1/1] 9.0 - 11.5 (-13.5) × 6.5 - 8.0 (-8.5) µm, (L
= 10.3 µm; L’ =
10.3 µm; W = 7.3
µm; W’ = 7.3
µm; Q = (1.26-) 1.27 - 1.53 (-1.60); Q
= 1.42; Q’ =
1.42).) [ image 31 ]
Subgenus Lepidella
Section Amidella
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species AZ25
(D). Spores:
[20/1/1] (10.5-) 10.8 - 14.0 (-14.5) × (5.0-) 5.2 - 6.2 (-6.5) µm, (L
= 12.0 µm; L’ =
µm; W = 5.7 µm; W’ =
5.7 µm; Q = (1.81-) 1.83 - 2.42 (-2.55); Q
= 2.10; Q’ = 2.10).) [ image 32 ]
Section Lepidella
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home ]
eremites Tulloss nom.
prov. (Spores: [80/4/1] 9.2 - 11.2 (-12.0) × (7.2-) 7.8 - 9.0 (-10.2) µm,
(L = 10.2
- 10.4 µm; L’ = 10.3 µm; W
= 8.2 - 8.3 µm; W’ = 8.3
µm; Q = (1.03-) 1.15 - 1.34 (-1.39); Q
= 1.24 - 1.25; Q’
= 1.25).)
macerisolum Tulloss & G. Wright nom.
prov. (Spores: [100/5/3] (8.8-)
10.2 - 13.2 (-14.5) × (6.8-) 7.5 - 9.2 (-10.8) µm, (L
= 11.5 - 12.0 µm; L’ =
11.8 µm; W = 8.3 - 8.6 µm; W’
= 8.5 µm; Q = (1.22-) 1.27 - 1.52 (-1.76); Q
= 1.39 - 1.40; Q’ = 1.39).)
[ image 34 ]
prairiicola Peck
(Spores: [700/34/11] (8.0-) 10.0 - 14.0
(-19.2) × (5.2-) 6.4 - 10.0 (-12.2) µm, (L
= (10.4-) 11.0 - 13.3 (-13.7) µm; L’
= 12.0 µm; W = (6.5-) 6.6 -
9.6 (-9.7) µm; W’ = 8.0
µm; Q = (1.09-) 1.26 - 1.82 (-2.31); Q
= (1.30-) 1.33 - 1.75 (-1.85); Q’
= 1.51).) [ image 35 ]
smithiana Bas (Spores: [2022/102/91] (6.5-)
8.7 - 12.0 (-16.0) × (4.3-) 5.8 - 8.0 (-10.8) µm, (L
= (8.6-) 9.4 - 11.2 (-11.7) µm; L’
= 10.4 µm; W = (5.5-) 6.0 -
7.4 (-7.8) µm; W’ = 6.8
µm; Q = (1.12-) 1.33 - 1.77 (-2.36); Q
= (1.29-) 1.43 - 1.68 (-1.98); Q’
= 1.54).)
species AZ12 (CMP Spores: [20/1/1] (9.2-) 9.8 -
12.2 (-14.0) × (4.2-) 4.5 - 5.8 (-6.2) µm, (L
= 10.7 µm; W = 5.3 µm; Q =
(1.76-) 1.78 - 2.57 (-2.71); Q
= 2.04).)
species AZ13 (CMP (B,
D). Spores:
[80/4/3] (9.1-) 9.8 - 13.8 (-16.2) × (6.2-) 6.3 - 7.8 (-90) µm, (L
= 10.7 - 12.8 µm; L’ =
11.6 µm; W = 6.8 - 7.2 µm; W’
= 7.0 µm; Q = (1.32-) 1.43 - 2.0 (-2.21); Q
= 1.53 - 1.89; Q’
= 1.67).) [ image 38 ]
species AZ26 (CMP (A-B).
Spores: (8.5-) 8.8 - 11.5
(-12.5) × (5.0-) 5.2 - 7.2 (-8.0) µm; Q = 1.50 - 1.79). [
image 39 ]
Section Phalloideae --Stipe with a soft bulb and a membranous annulus. Universal veil as
a limbate volva (attached to top of bulb). Cap margin not
appendiculate. No known taxa with clamped basidia. Many, but
not all taxa may contain amatoxins.
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[ N.
Amer. Phal. Key ]
bisporigera G. F. Atk.
(CMP (B-C). Spores:
[452/19/16] (5.2-) 7.2 - 9.9 (-11.0) × (4.8-) 6.5 - 8.6 (-10.0) µm, (L
= (7.8-) 7.9 - 9.2 (-9.6) µm; L’ = 8.4 µm; W = (7.0-)
7.1 - 8.1 (-8.2) µm; W’ = 7.5 µm; Q = (1.0-) 1.02 - 1.25
(-1.70); Q = (1.05-) 1.06 - 1.18 (-1.20); Q’ = 1.11).)
[ image 40 ]
virosa sensu auct. mex. (Spores: 9.8
- 11.6 (-12.6) × 8.4 - 9.4 (-10.8); Q = 1.20).
species affin. verna
Section Validae
--Stipe with a soft or firm basal bulb and a membranous annulus.
Universal veil may for a low rim around the margin of the bulb or may be
entirely friable. Cap margin not appendiculate. No known taxa
with clamped basidia. Marginate species may contain bufotenine or
related compounds.
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(Berk.& Mont.) Sacc. (CMP (A-C). Spores:
[180/9/8] (7.4-) 7.8 - 11.0 (-12.6) × (4.9-) 5.4 - 7.0 (-8.4) µm, (L =
8.3 - 9.7 ( -10.7) µm;
L’ = 9.2 µm; W = ( 5.5-) 5.7 - 6.6 µm; W’ =
6.1 µm; Q = (1.17-) 1.28 - 1.76 (-1.96);
Q = ( 1.34-) 1.37 - 1.67; Q’ = 1.52).) [ image
43 ]
Tulloss & J. Lindgr. (CMP (A). Spores: [1477/73/42] (6.2-) 8.2 - 10.8 (-14.8)
× (4.2-) 5.5 - 7.2 (-8.8) µm, (L
= (8.1-) 8.6 - 10.2 (-11.0) µm; L’
= 9.3 µm; W = (5.5-)
6.0 - 6.8 (-7.2) µm; W’
= 6.3 µm; Q = (1.13-) 1.31 - 1.69 (-2.47); Q
= (1.34-) 1.39 - 1.58 (-1.72); Q’
= 1.48).) [ image
44 ]
species AZ1 (CMP (A-C). Spores: (6.7-) 7.5 -
10.0 (-11.0) × (5.2-) 5.5 - 7.5 (-8.5) µm; Q = 1.38 - 1.50).
species AZ10
(CMP (D). Spores: [120/6/5] (7.8-) 8.2 - 10.5 (-11.5) × (5.2-) 5.5 - 6.8 (-7.8)
µm, (L
= 8.8 - 10.1 µm; L’
= 9.2 µm; W = 5.8 -
6.3 µm; W’ = 6.0
µm; Q = (1.31-) 1.36 - 1.69 (-1.81); Q
= 1.43 - 1.61; Q’
= 1.53). [ image
46 ]
Genus Limacella
Section Lubricae
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- glischra
(Morgan) Murrill (Spores:[20/1/1] (3.6-) 3.9 - 4.6 (-5.3) × 3.5 - 4.4
(-5.0) µm, (L
= 4.3 µm; L’
= ? µm; W = 3.9 µm; W’ =
? µm; Q = 1.03 - 1.15 (-1.16); Q
= 1.10; Q’
= ?).) [ image
47 ]
- illinita (Fr.: Fr.) Earle var. illinita
- illinita var. agrillacea
H. V. Sm. (Identification questionable. Spores: [5/1/1] 5.0 - 6.5 × 4.2 - 5.0
Q = 1.14 - 1.30).
(partial and a bit out-of-date)
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Bas, C. 1969. Morphology and subdivision of Amanita and a monograph of
its section Lepidella,. Persoonia 5(4): 285-579.
Nishida, F. H., W. J. Sundberg. J. A. Menge,
J. S. States, R. E. Tulloss and J. Cifuentes Blanco. 1992. Studies in
the mycoflora of the Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona,
U.S.A. I. Preliminary report on species distribution, ecology, and
biogeographical affinities. Chiricahua Mountains Research Symposium.
16-17 August 1992: 35-38.
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Last change of this page: 21 February
This page is maintained by R. E.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 by Rodham E. Tulloss.
For other copyrights of images see the relevant species pages.