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Aco sta, S. and G. Guzmán. 1984. The known mushrooms from the state of Zacatecas (Mexico). Bol. Soc. Mex. Micol. 19: 125-158.
Alb ertini, L. B. and L. D. von Schweinitz. 1805. Conspectus fungorum in Lusatiae superioris agro Niskiensi crescentium e methodo Persooniana. Cum tabulis XII aeneis pictis, species novas XCIII sistentibus. (Sumtibus Kummerianis, Lipsiae). xxiv+376 pp. pl. 1-12.
Aro che, R. M., J. Cifuentes and F. Lorea. 1984. Distribution, biology, and confirmation of Amanita phalloides in Mexico. presentation to MSA 1984 Annual Meeting, August 4-9, 1984.
Aro che, R. M., J. Fuentes, F. Lorea, P. Fuentes, J. Bonavides, H. Galicia, E. Menéndez, O. Aguilar and V. Valenzuela. 1984. Toxic and edible mushrooms in a community of the Valley of Mexico. Bol. Soc. Mex. Micol. 19: 291-318.
Aro che, R. M., M. Villegas, J. Cifuentes, F. Lorea and J. Bonavides. 1984. New data on the distribution and taxonomy of Amanita phalloides in Mexico. Bol. Soc. Mex. Micol. 19: 275-281.
Atk inson, G.F. 1909. Preliminary notes on Some new species of Agaricaceae and Clavaria. Ann. Mycol. 7: 365-376.
Atk inson, G. F. 1918. Preliminary notes on some new species of agarics. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 52: 354-356.
Ban dala-Muñoz, V. M., G. Guzmán and L. Montoya-Bello. 1988. Especies de macromicetos citadas de México, VII. Agaricales, parte II (1972-1987). Rev. Mex. Micol. 4: 205-250.
Bas , C. 1965. The genus Squamanita. Persoonia 3: 331-359.
Bas , C. 1969. Morphology and subdivision of Amanita and a monograph of its section Lepidella. Persoonia 5: 285-579.
Bas , C. 1975. A comparison of Torrendia (Gasteromycetes) with Amanita (Agaricales). Studies on the Higher Fungi. H. Bigelow & H. D. Thiers, ed. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 51: 53-60, pl. 11.
Bas , C. 1978. Studies in Amanita—I. Some species from Amazonia. Persoonia 10: 1-22.
Bas , C. <1982. Studies in Amanita—II. Persoonia 11: 429-442.
Bas , C. 1984. On the correct name of `Amanita inaurata Secr.' Persoonia 12: 192-193.
Bas , C. 2000. Una visione più ampia sulle Amanita. Boll. Gruppo G. Bresadola 43(2): 9-12. [In Italian with English translation.]
Bas , C. and A. A. R. de Meijer. 1993. Amanita grallipes, a new species in Amanita subsection Vittadiniae from southern Brazil. Persoonia 15: 345-350.
Bas , C. and S.-I. Hatanaka. 1984. An undescribed species of Amanita section Lepidella from Japan. Persoonia 12: 321-325. [ download (7.45 MB) ]
Bas , C., Th. W. Kuyper, M. E. Noordeloos, and E. C. Vellinga. 1988. Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 1. vi-ii+ 182 pp.
Bas , C., Th. W. Kuyper, M. E. Noordeloos, and E. C. Vellinga. 1990. Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 2. vi+137 pp.
Bea rdslee, H. C. 1919. A new species of Amanita. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 34: 198-199.
Bea rdslee, H. C. 1936. A new Amanita and notes on Boletus subalbellus. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 52: 105-106 & pl. 14.
Bea useigneur, A. 1925. Champignons nouveaux observés dont les landes. Bull. Trimestriel Soc. Mycol. France 41: 463 - 167. Tabl. XLI, Pl. XXX-XXXI.
Bee li, M. 1935. Flore iconographique des champignons du Congo. Amanita. (Jard. Bot. État, Bruxelles): 27 pp. + 4 pls..
Bee li, M. 1936. Contribution a l'étude de la flore mycologique de Congo. Bull. Jardin Bot. État. 14: 87-91. Pl. III.
Beg an, T. J. 1988. The genus Amanita in southern Illinois including cultural characters and a detailed study of volval anatomy in section Lepidella. Master's thesis, Southern Illinois Univ. v + 127 pp.
Ber tillon. 1866. Amanites IN Dechambre, ed. Dict. Encycl. Scien. Medic. 3: 491 - 511.
Bha tt, R. P., R. E. Tulloss, K. C. Semwal, V. K. Bhatt, J.-M. Moncalvo and S. L. Stephenson. 2003. Amanitaceae reported from India. A critically annotated checklist. Mycotaxon 88: 249-270.
Boe dijn, K. B. 1951. Notes on Indonesian fungi. The genus Amanita. Sydowia 5(3-6): 317-327.
Bon , M. & C. Andary. 1983. Amanita dunensis Heim M. ex. Bon et Andary sp. nov. Doc. Mycol. 13 (50): 13 - 14.
Bor ovicka,J. 2006. Poznámky k muchomurce šiškovité -- Amanita strobiliformis a príbuzným druhum ze sekce Lepidella. Mykol. Sborn. 83(2): 43-46.  (in Czech, concerning silver retention in basidiomata)
Bre itenbach, J. and F. Kränzlin. 1995.Agarics 2nd part. Fungi of Switzerland 4: 6 - 367.
Bre sinsky, A. and H. Besl. 1990. A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Fungi. Wolfe Publishing Ltd. 295 pp
Che n, Z. H., Z. L. Yang and Z. G. Zhang. 2001. Three noteworthy Amanitae of subgenus Lepidella from China. Mycotaxon 79: 275-284.
Chi nchilla S., E. F. and E. Pérez-Silva. 1987 (1986). Consideraciones taxonómicas sobre Amanita verna (Agaricales) de México. Anales Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auton. Mexico Bot. 57: 37-43.
Cif uentes Blanco, J., M. Villegas Ríos, and L. Pérez Ramírez. 1985. Description of macrofungi little known in Mexico. Rev. Mex. Micol. 1: 413-422.
Cif uentes Blanco, J., M. Villegas Ríos, and L. Pérez Ramírez. 1993. Hongos macroscópicos. Historia Natural del Parque Ecologico Estatal Omiltemi, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, México. I. Luna Vega & U. J. Llorente Bousquets, eds. (CONA-BIO-UNAM): 59-126.
Cle land, J. B. 1924. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 5. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia 48: 236-252.
Cle land, J. B. 1927. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 6. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia 51: 298-306.
Cle land, J. B. 1931. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 8. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia 55: 152-160.
Cle land, J. B. 1933. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 9. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia 57: 187-194.
Cle land, J. B. 1934. Toadstools and mushrooms and other larger fungi of South Australia. Harrison Weir, Adelaide. 178 pp.
Cle land, J. B. & E. Cheel. 1914. The Hymenomycetes of New South Wales. Agric. Gaz. New South Wales 25: 885-888, 1045-1049.
Cle land, J. B. & E. Cheel. 1919. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 3. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia 43: 262-315, pl. xxviii-xxix.
Cle land, J. B. & E. Cheel. 1923. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 4. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia 47: 58-78.
Coc cia, M. and V. Migliozzi. 2000. Nota preliminare allo studio del sottogenere Vaginaria. Neotipificazione di Amanita crassipes, Amanita griseocastanea ed Amanita luteovergens. Mic. Ital. 1: 76 - 81.
Coc cia, M. and V. Migliozzi. 2000b. Studio sul genere Amanita. 1º contributo. Descrizione di Amanita crassipes, Amanita griseocastanea ed Amanita luteovergens. Boll. Gruppo Micol. G. Bresadola, nuova ser. 43 (2): 189 - 209.
Cok er, W. C. 1917. The amanitas of the eastern United States. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 33: i + 1-88.
Cok er, W. C. 1927. New or noteworthy basidiomycetes. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 43: 129-145.
Col e, M., B. Fuhrer & A. Holland. 1984. A Field Guide to the Common Genera of Gilled Fungi in Australia. Inkata Press, Melbourne. revised edition. 11 pp. & pl.
Con siglio, G. and M. Contu. 1999. Amanita dryophila (Amanitaceae) spec. nov. and the species of the section Vaginatae with a semifriable universal veil and ellipsoid spores. Persoonia 17 (2): 287 - 190.
Con tu, M. 1998. Appunti sul genere Amanita - VI due nuove specie nella sezione Vaginatae. Mic. Vegetazione Med. 12 (2): 136 - 147.
Con tu, M. and G. Pacioni. 1998. Amanita cistetorum and Psathyrella liciosae, two new Mediterranean species. Mycotaxon 69: 437-446.
Coo ke, M. C. 1889. New Australian fungi. Grevillea 18: 1f., 30-31, 72f., 113f.
Cor ner, E. J. H. 1947. Variation in the size and shape of spores, basidia and cystidia in basidiomycetes. New Phytologist 46: 195-228.
Cor ner, E. J. H. and C. Bas. 1962. The genus Amanita in Singapore and Malaya. Persoonia 2: 241-304.
Cur reli, S. 1990. Una nuova Amanita in Sardegna: Amanita gioiosa sp. nov. Mic. Ital. 1: 25 -29.
Cur reli, negli impianti ad Eucalyptus della Sardegna. Bot. del Gruppo Micol. G. Bresadola--Nuova Serie 43 (2): 87 - 96.
Eic ker, A., J.V. van Greuning and D. A. Reid. 1993. Amanita reidii - a new species from South Africa. Mycotaxon 47: 433-437.
Fra iture, A. 1993. Les amanitopsis d'Europe (genre Amanita, Agaricales, Fungi). Synthèse critique de la littérature. Opera Bot. Belg. 5: 1-130.
Fra nco-Molano, A. E., E. Aldana-Gómez, and R. E. Halling. 2000. Setas de Colombia (Agaricales, Boletales y Otros Hongos). (COLCIENCIAS, Univ. Antioquia). vi+156 pp.
Gem l, J., R. E. Tulloss, G. A. Laursen, N. A. Sazanova, D. L. Taylor. 2008. Evidence for strong inter- and intracontinental phylogeographic structure in Amanita muscaria, a wind-dispersed ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete. Molec. Phylog. Evol. 48: 694-701.
Gen tilli, J. 1953. Amanitas from King's Park, Perth. W. Austral. Naturalist 4(2-3): 25-34, 59-63.
Gil bert, E.-J. 1940 & 1941. Amanitaceae. Iconogr. Mycol. (Milan) 27, suppl. (1-3): i-xx, 1-427, 73 pl.
Gis pert, M., O. Nava and J. Cifuentes. 1984. Comparative study of the popular knowledge of macrofungi in two human communities from Sierra del Ajusco, Mexico. Bol. Soc. Mex. Micol. 19: 253-273.
Grg urinovic, C. A. 1997. Larger fungi of South Australia (Bot. Gard. Adelaide, State Herbarium, & Fl. Fauna S. Austral. Handbook Comm., Adelaide). vi+725 pp.
Gul den, G., K. M. Jenssen, and J. Stordal. 1989. Norsk Lommesoppbok.Tiden Norsk Forlag.298 pp.
Guz mán, G. 1975. New and interesting species of Agaricales in Mexico. Studies on the Higher Fungi. H. Bigelow & H. D. Thiers, ed. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 51: 99-118 + pl. 24-30.
Guz mán, G. 1980. Identificación de los hongos. 2nd reprinting. (Limusa, México, D.F.). xii+452 pp.
Guz mán, G. 1981. Distribution of Amanita nauseosa. Mycotaxon 12: 522-524.
Guz mán, G. 1982. New species of fungi from the Yucatan Peninsula. Mycotaxon 16: 249-262.
Guz mán, G. 1983. Los hongos de la península de Yucatán. II. Nuevas exploraciones y adiciones micológicas. Biótica 8: 71-100.
Guz mán, G. 1987. A special case of a mortal poisoning by mushrooms in the State of Veracruz (Mexico). Rev. Mex. Micol. 3: 203-209.
Guz mán, G and L. Villarreal. 1984. Studies of fungi, lichens and myxomycetes from Cofre de Perote, Ver-acruz, I: Introduction to the mycoflora of the region. Bol. Soc. Mex. Micol. 19: 107-124.
Guz mán, G and F. Ramírez-Guillén. 2001. The Amanita caesarea-complex. Biblioth. Mycol. 187: 1-66.
Guz mán-Dávalos, L. and F. Trujillo Flores. 1984. Fungi from the state of Jalisco, IV. New records. Bol. Soc. Mex. Micol. 19: 319-326.
Hal len, H. E., G. C. Adams and A. Eicker. 2002. Amatoxins and phallotoxins in indigenous and introduced South African Amanita species. S. African J. Bot. 68: 322-326.
Hal ling, R. E. and G. M. Mueller. 2005. Common Mushrooms of the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. The New York Botanical Garden Press: 195 pp.
Ham ly, D. H. 1949. The Ridgway color standards with a Munsell notation key. J. Optic. Soc. Amer. 39: 592-599.  [See Ridgway (1912), below.]
Her rera, T. and E. Pérez-Silva. 1984. Descripcion de algunas especies del genero Amanita. Bol. Soc. Mex. Micol. 19: 265-273.
Her rera-Fonseca, M. de J. and L. Guzmán-Dávallos. 2002. Registro de Amanita roseitincta (Agaricales, Amanitaceae) para México. Nanacatepec, Res. Congr. Latino-Amer. Micol. 4: 221.
Hut chison, L. J., R. C. Summerbell and D. W. Malloch. 1988. Additions to the mycota of North America and Québec: arctic and boreal species from Schefferville, Northern Québec. Naturaliste Canad. 115: 39-56.
Hon go, T. 1953. Larger fungi of the provinces of Omi and Yamashiro 4. J. Jap. Bot. 28: 69-75.
Hon go, T. 1957. Notes on Japanese larger fungi 10. J. Jap. Bot. 32: 141-146.
Hon go, T. 1959. The Agaricales of Japan I—(1). Mem. Fac. Liberal Arts Shiga Univ., Pt. 2, Nat. Sci. 9: 47-94.
Hon go, T. 1961. On some agarics of Japan 4. Mem. Fac. Liberal Arts Shiga Univ., Pt. 2, Nat. Sci. 11: 39-42.
Hon go, T. 1967. Notulae Mycologicae (6). Mem. Fac. Liberal Arts Shiga Univ., Pt. 2, Nat. Sci. 17: 89-95.
Hon go, T_. 1969. Notes on Japanese larger fungi (20). J. Jap. Bot. 44(8): 230-238.
Hon go, T. 1970. Notulae Mycologicae (9). Mem. Fac. Educ. Shiga Univ., Nat. Sci. 20: 49-54.
Hon go, T. 1971. Notulae Mycologicae (10). Mem. Fac. Educ. Shiga Univ., Nat. Sci. 21: 62-68.
Hon go, T. 1974. Two new species of Amanita from Castanopsis forests in Japan. Travaux mycologiques dédiés à R. Kühner. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon: 189-193.
Hon go, T. 1974. Notulae mycologicae (13). Mem. Fac. Educ. Shiga Univ., Nat. Sci. 24: 44-51.
Hon go, T. 1975. Notulae mycologicae (14). Mem. Fac. Educ. Shiga Univ., Nat. Sci. 25: 56-63.
Hon go, T. 1977. Notulae mycologicae (15). Mem. Fac. Educ. Shiga Univ., Nat. Sci. 27: 20-25.
Hon go, T. 1978. Materials for the fungus flora of Japan (28). Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 19: 455-456.
Hon go, T. 1982. The amanitas of Japan. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 33: 116-126.
Hon go, T. 1983. Notulae mycologicae (18). Mem. Fac. Educ. Shiga Univ., Nat. Sci. 33: 37-41.
Hon go, T. and K. Yokoyama. 1978. Mycofloristic ties of Japan to the continents. Mem. Shiga Univ. 28: 76-80.
Ima i, S. 1933. Studies on the Agaricaceae of Japan I. Volvate agarics in Hokkaido. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 47: 423-32.
Ima i, S. 1938. Studies in the Agaricaceae of Hokkaido. I. J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ. 43: 1-31.
Ima i, S. 1939. Studia agaricacearus Japonicarum. I. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 53: 392-399.
Ima zeki, R. and T. Hongo. 1957. Coloured illustrations of fungi of Japan. Osaka. 1: viii+181 pp. [In Japanese.]
Ima zeki, R. and T. Hongo. 1965. Coloured illustrations of fungi of Japan. Osaka. 2: x+239 pp. [In Japanese.]
Ima zeki, R. and T. Hongo. 1987. Colored illustrations of mushrooms of Japan 1. (Hoikusha, Osaka). viii+325 pp., 72 pl. [In Japanese.]
Ima zeki, R., Y. Otani and T. Hongo. 1988. Fungi of Japan. (Yama-Kei, Tokyo). 624 pp. [In Japanese.]
Ima zeki, R. and S. Toki. 1955. Contribution to the knowledge of Japanese Agaricales (I). Bull. Gov. Forest. Exp. Sta. 79: 1-14.
Ing alls, D. H. H. 1991. Remarks on Mr. Wasson’s Soma. J. Amer. Orient. Soc. 91(2): 188-191.
Ito , S. 1959. Mycological flora of Japan. (Yokando, Tokyo). 2(5): iv+658 pp.
Jac kson, H. A. C. 1979. Mr. Jackson's mushrooms. M. Cazort, ed. (National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa). 161 pp.
Jen kins, D. T. 1977. A taxonomic and nomenclatural study of the genus Amanita section Amanita for North America. Biblioth. Mycol. 57: 126 pp.
Jen kins, D. T. 1978a. A study of Amanita types. I. Taxa described by C. H. Peck. Mycotaxon 7: 23-44.
Jen kins, D. T. 1978b. A study of Amanita types II. A. ocreata Peck. Mycotaxon 7: 371-372.
Jen kins, D. T. 1979. A study of Amanita types. III. Taxa described by W. A. Murrill. Mycotaxon 10: 175-200.
Jen kins, D. T. >1980. A new species of Amanita. Mycotaxon 10(2): 296-298.
Jen kins, D. T. 1982. A study of Amanita types IV. Taxa described by G. F. Atkinson. Mycotaxon 14: 237-246.
Jen kins, D. T. 1983. A new species of Amanita. Mycotaxon 20: 414-416.
Jen ins, D.T. 1984. A new species of Amanita IV. Mycotaxon 20: 315-317.
Jen kins, D.T. 1985. A new species of Amanita VII. Mycotaxon 24: 283-286.
Jen kins, D. T. 1986. Amanita of North America (Mad River, Eureka). 198 pp.
Jen kins, D. T. 1988. A new species of Amanita from North America: Amanita levistriata. Mycotaxon 32: 415-419.
Jen kins, D. T. and R. H. Petersen. 1976. A neotype specimen for Amanita muscaria. Mycologia 68: 463-469.
Jus tice, J. 1984. Arkansas' mushroom. Arkansas Naturalist 2(5): 1-3.
Knu dsen, H. and T. Borgen. 1987. Agaricaceae, Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Gomphidiaceae, Paxillaceae and Pluteaceae in Greenland. in: Laursen, G. A., J. F. Ammirati and S. A. Redhead, eds. Arctic and alpine mycology II.(Plenum, New York): 235-253.
Kor nerup, A. and J. H. Wanscher. 1978. Methuen handbook of colour. (Methuen, London). 252 pp.
Kot laba, F. and Z. Pouzar. 1964. ?. Feddes Rep. 69: 131-142. [n.v.]
Kul karni, S. M. 1992. Amanita konkanensis: a new species of Agaricales. Biovigyanam 18(1): 56-58.
Kum ar, A., T. N. Lahkanpal and S. L. Stephenson. 1990. Ecological studies of some macrofungi in the northwestern Himalayas. Nova Hedwigia 50 (3-4): 535-547.
Kum ar, A., R. P. Bhatt and T. N. Lahkanpal. 1990. The Amanitaceae of India. (Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun). x+160 pp.
Laf errière, J. E. 1991. Mountain Pima ethnomycology. J. Ethnobiol. 11: 159-160.
Laf errière, J. E. and R. L. Gilbertson. 1992. Fungi of Nabogame, Chihuahua, Mexico. Mycotaxon 44: 73-87.
Lam oureux, Y. and P. Neumann. 1990. Additions aux Agaricales du Québec. Naturaliste Canadien 117(3): 145-159.
Lin dgren, J. E. 1998a. Amanitas of the Pacific Northwest. (N. Amer. Mycol. Assoc.). 10 pp. [Slide presentation script.]
Lin dgren, J. E. 1998b. ??
Log emann, H., J. Argueta, G. Guzmán, L. Montoya Bello, V. M. Bandala Muñoz, and R. de León Chocooj. 1987. Envenenamiento mortal por hongos en Guatemala. Rev. Mex. Micol. 3: 211-216.
Lóp ez Ramírez, M. A. 1981. Hongos comestibles de la región de Xalapa, Veracruz. thesis for professional license in biology. 52 pp. + 6 tbl. + 22 pl.
Mal ençon, G. 1955. Le développement du Torrendia pulchella Bres. et son importance morphogénétique. Rev. Mycol. (Paris) 20: 81-130.
Mao , Xiao-lan. 1990. Taxonomic study on the genus Amanita from Xizang, China. Acta Mycol. Sin. 9(3): 206-217.
Mao , Xiao-lan. 1991. Distribution patterns of Amanita in Xizang (Tibet). Acta Mycol. Sin. 10 (4): 288-295.
Mar chand, A. 1972. Champignons du nord et du midi. (Soc. Mycol. Pyrénées Médit., Perpignan). 1: 282 pp. [I find the spore measurements and other microscopic data in this work to be more in concert with my own observations than such data in other European works aimed at the general public.]
Mar chand, A. 1973. Champignons du nord et du midi. (Soc. Mycol. Pyrénées Médit., Perpignan). 2: 273 pp.
Mar r, C. D. 1979. Laccase and tyrosinase oxidation of spot test reagents. Mycotaxon 9: 244-276.
Mar r, C. D., D. W. Grund and K. A. Harrison. 1986. The taxonomic potential of laccase and tyrosinase spot tests. Mycologia 78: 169-184.
Mat suda, I. and T. Hongo. 1955. Larger fungi from the sand dunes in Niigata-Prefecture (1). J. Jap. Bot. 30(5): 148-153(?).
Men olli, Jr., N., Capelari, M., Baseia, I. G.. 2009. Amanita viscidolutea, a new species from Brazil with a key to Central and South American species of Amanita section Amanita. Mycologia 101: 395-400.
Mil ler, O. K., Jr. 1992a [“1991”]. New species of Amanita from Western Australia. Canad. J. Bot. 69: 2692-2703.
Mil ler, O. K., Jr. 1992b. Three new species of Amanita from Western Australia. Mycologia 84(5): 679-686.
Mil ler, O. K., Jr., E. Trueblood, and D. T. Jenkins. 1990. Three new species of Amanita from Southwestern Idaho and Southeastern Oregon. Mycologia 82(1): 120-128.
Mil ler, O. K., Jr., D. E. Hemmes and G. Wong. 1996. Amanita marmorata subsp. myrtacearum--a new subspecies in Amanita section Phalloideae from Hawaii. Mycologia 88: 140-145.
Mil ller, O. K., Jr. and E. Horak. 1992. Observations on the genus Torrendia and a new species from Australia. Mycologia 84(1): 64-71.
Mil ler. O. K., Jr., D. J. Lodge and T. J. Baroni. 2000. New and interesting ectomycorrhizal fungi from Puerto Rico, Mona, and Guana Islands. Mycologia 92: .
Mil ler, O. K., Jr. and D. J. Lodge. 2001. New species of Amanita from the Dominican Republic, Greater Antilles. Mycotaxon 79: 289-306.
Mon tagne, J. F. C. 1856. Sylloge Generum Speciesrumque Cryptogamorum. (J. -B. Baillière, Paris) 498 pp.
Mon tiel-Arcos, E., L. López, and G. Guzmán. 1984. El genero Amanita en el Estado de Morelos. Biótica 9(3): 223-242.
Mor ales-Torres, E., M. Villegas, J. Cifuentes and R. E. Tulloss. 1999. Revision of Amanita alexandri and its similarity to Amanita polypyramis. Mycotaxon 73: 477-491.
Mor eno Fuentes, A. 1993. Estudio fungístico de los macromicetos en el Municipio de Bocoyna, Chihuahua, México. tésis profesional, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM. 73 pp.
Mun sell Color. 1975. Munsell soil color charts. Baltimore. unpaginated.
Mur rill, W. A. 1912. The Agaricaceae of the Pacific Coast--II. Mycologia 4: 231-262.
Mur rill, W. A. 1939. Additions to the Florida fungi—I. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 66: 29-37.
Mur rill, W. A. 1941. More Florida Novelties. Mycologia 33: 434-448.
Mur rill, W. A. 1944a. More Fungi from Florida. Lloydia 7(4):303-327.
Mur rill, W. A. 1994b. New Florida Fungi. Proc. Fl. Acad. Sc. 7(2/3): 107-127.
Mur rill, W. A. 1945a. Notes and Brief Articles. Mycologia 37(2): 270-271.
Mur rill, W. A. 1945b. New Florida Fungi. Q. J. Fla. Acad. Sci. 8(2): 175-198.
Mur rill, W. A. 1948. Florida Amanitas. Lloydia 2 (2): 99 - 110.
Nag asawa, E. and T. Hongo. 1984. New taxa of Amanita: Three new species and one new form from western Japan. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 25: 367-376.
Nag asawa, E. and T. Hongo. 1985. Some agarics from the San-in District, Japan. Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo 18: 73-88.
Nag asawa, E. and S. Mitani. <2000. A new species of Amanita section Lepidella from Japan. Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo 32: 93-97.
Nev ille, P. and S. Poumarat. 1996. Révision critique des taxons spécifiques et infraspécifiques de la sous-section Solitariae Bas du genre Amanita Pers. en Europe et leur extension extra-euopéenne. Doc. Mycol. 26(101): 1-87.
Nev ille, P. and S. Poumarat. >2001. Amanita proxima Dumée, una specie tossica vicina a A. ovoidea (Bull.:Fr.) Link. Micologo 33(100): 12-21.
Nev ille, P. and S. Poumarat. 2004. Amaniteae. 1. Fungi Europaei 9: 1-1119
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Additional References not Strictly Relating to Amanita

Chr istensen, M., S. Bhattarai, S. Devkota and H. O. Larsen. 2007. Collection and use of wild edible fungi in Nepal. Econ. Bot. 62(1): 12-23.
Hay ek, L. C. <1994. Analysis of amphibian biodiversity data. In: Heyer, W. R. et al., eds. Measuring and monitoring biological diversity. Standard methods for amphibians. (Smithsonian Inst., Washington): 207-269.
Ros sman, A. Y., R. E. Tulloss, T. E. O’Dell, R. G. Thorn. 1998. Protocols for an All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory of a Costa Rican Conservation Area. (Parkway Publishers, Boone, North Carolina). xviii+195.
Tul loss, R. E. 1997. Assessment of similarity indices for undesirable properties and a new tripartite similarity index based on cost functions. In: Mycology in Sustainable Development: Expanding Concepts, Vanishing Borders. M. E. Palm and I. H. Chapela, eds. (Parkway Publishers, Boone, North Carolina): 122-143.
Tul loss, R. E. and D. C. Tulloss. 2004. An on-line tripartite similarity metric. Inoculum 55(1): 1-4.

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